The Kabbalistic Concept of Ein Sof

The Kabbalistic Concept of Ein Sof

The Depth Psychology o Kabbalistic Concept of Ein Sof What is Kabbalah? Kabbalah is a mystical tradition within Judaism that seeks to understand the nature of divinity, the structure of the universe, and the purpose of human existence. The term "Kabbalah" comes from the Hebrew root "k-b-l," which means "to receive" or "to accept," referring to the reception of divine wisdom and the acceptance of spiritual practices. Kabbalah emerged in 12th century Provence and Spain, drawing on earlier forms of Jewish mysticism...

J.B. Rhine and Eugene Osty: Pioneers of Parapsychology

J.B. Rhine and Eugene Osty: Pioneers of Parapsychology

Who were J.B. Rhine and Eugene Osty? The field of parapsychology, which investigates psychic or psi phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, has long been a subject of fascination and controversy. Two pioneering researchers who made significant contributions to the scientific study of these phenomena in the early 20th century were J.B. Rhine and Eugene Osty. Through their innovative experiments and tireless efforts to bring scientific rigor to this unconventional area of inquiry, Rhine and...

The Enduring Wisdom of Ernest Becker’s “The Denial of Death”

The Enduring Wisdom of Ernest Becker’s “The Denial of Death”

Who was Ernest Becker? In the labyrinth of the evolving profession of psychology few books have had as subtle influence on the profession as Ernest Becker's "The Denial of Death." Awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction in 1974, this groundbreaking book offers a profound exploration into the human psyche's struggle with and avoidance of  the inevitability of death. Becker's thesis, rooted in the concept of "terror management theory," suggests that the fear of death underpins much of human behavior,...

Embracing Your Inner Grendel:

Embracing Your Inner Grendel:

A Jungian Perspective on Shadow Work and Healing from Fiction In his 1971 novel "Grendel," John Gardner reimagines the Old English epic "Beowulf" from the perspective of the titular monster. This postmodern retelling offers a provocative exploration of the complex interplay between hero and villain, good and evil, and the role of the shadow in the human psyche. By presenting Grendel as a thinking, feeling being grappling with existential questions and the search for meaning, Gardner invites readers to confront...

The 12 Archetypes: How They Shape Our Lives as Consumers, Voters, and Romantic Partners

The 12 Archetypes: How They Shape Our Lives as Consumers, Voters, and Romantic Partners

Archetypes Across Culture and Advertising and Myth The concept of archetypes, as popularized by psychologist Carl Jung, has found its way into various aspects of our lives, from the way we consume products to how we vote and even how we navigate our romantic relationships. In her book "Awakening the Heroes Within," Carol Pearson introduces a model of 12 archetypes that have become widely recognized in popular culture. These archetypes are: The Innocent, The Lover, The Orphan, The Creator, The Hero, The Jester,...

Embracing the Shadow of the Feminine Archetypes

Embracing the Shadow of the Feminine Archetypes

What are the Archetypes of the Anima? The concept of archetypes, as developed by Carl Jung, has been a powerful tool for understanding the human psyche. In particular, the exploration of feminine archetypes has provided invaluable insights into the unique experiences, challenges, and opportunities for growth that women face. This article delves into the realm of feminine archetypes, their shadows, and the therapeutic approaches that can help women navigate their inner landscapes and achieve greater wholeness and...

The Philosophy Behind and Around Carl Jung

The Philosophy Behind and Around Carl Jung

What were Carl Jung's Major Influences? Carl Jung was profoundly influenced by a wide range of philosophers, thinkers and mystics in developing his groundbreaking theories of analytical psychology. He drew upon ideas from existentialism, phenomenology, German idealism, Neoplatonism, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and Christian mysticism to formulate his conceptions of the collective unconscious, archetypes, individuation, and the Self. Let's examine in-depth how some of these key figures shaped Jung's thought. Philemon...

Southern Gothic Literature and the Jungian Psyche

Southern Gothic Literature and the Jungian Psyche

The Dark Mirror of the Soul In the humid, kudzu-draped landscapes of the American South, a literary tradition emerged that would plumb the depths of the human psyche like few others. Southern Gothic literature, with its haunting tales of decay, madness, and the supernatural, serves as a powerful lens through which we can examine the complexities of the human mind. From the perspective of Jungian psychology, these stories offer rich territory for exploring concepts like the shadow, collective unconscious, and the...

The Photography of Spider Martin: Capturing the Struggle for Civil Rights

The Photography of Spider Martin: Capturing the Struggle for Civil Rights

Who Was Spider Martin? Who was Spider Martin? In times of great societal upheaval and injustice, the power of visual storytelling can be a catalyst for change, awareness, and healing. The photographs of Spider Martin, particularly his documentation of the Civil Rights Movement and the Selma to Montgomery marches, stand as a testament to the transformative impact of photography in the face of trauma and inequality. Spider Martin, born James Martin in 1939, was an American photographer who gained recognition for...

African American Resilience and Creative Expression: Combating Generational Trauma and Reconnecting with Cultural Roots

African American Resilience and Creative Expression: Combating Generational Trauma and Reconnecting with Cultural Roots

The African American experience has been marked by a history of trauma, oppression, and displacement, resulting in a sense of rootlessness and disconnection from African myths and traditions. However, in the face of these challenges, African Americans have demonstrated remarkable resilience and creativity, finding innovative ways to express their identity, process trauma, and build community through various forms of artistic expression. This paper will explore how African Americans have combated generational...