Lifespan Integration Therapy

Connect the separate scenes of your self

Connect the Separate Parts of Your Life and Self

Preparation and History-Taking

The therapist gathers a comprehensive history of the client, including significant life events and traumas. This stage involves preparing the client for the therapy process and establishing a supportive therapeutic environment.

Reprocessing and Integration

This stage involves guiding the client through past memories, using visualization techniques to reprocess and emotionally integrate these experiences. The focus is on healing and reducing the emotional impact of past events.

Consolidation and Closure

The final stage consolidates the progress made, with the client reflecting on changes and the therapist helping to develop new coping strategies. This phase ensures the longevity of the therapy’s impact and prepares the client for closure.

Life-Changing Yet Unintrusive

Lifespan Integration therapy is life-changing as it enables individuals to reprocess and emotionally integrate past traumas and significant life events, leading to a deeper understanding and healing. This therapeutic approach makes sense as it combines the revisiting of past experiences with present awareness, fostering a more coherent and integrated sense of self, which can significantly improve mental well-being and personal growth,


How is Lifespan Integration Different

Lifespan Integration therapy is distinct in its approach as it combines the revisiting of past memories with a visualization process that integrates these experiences over a chronological timeline, leading to a coherent life narrative. This method differs from traditional talk therapies by focusing on the body-mind’s innate healing ability, using visualization and a ‘time line’ of memories to facilitate deep and rapid healing without re-traumatizing the client. For more detailed information, you can refer to Lifespan Integration’s official website.

What happens in a Lifespan Integration Session?

In a Lifespan Integration session, the therapist first helps the client create a timeline of significant life events, forming the basis for the therapy. The client is then guided to revisit and emotionally process these memories through a visualization technique, often resembling watching a movie of their own life. This process is repeated several times, allowing the client to integrate these experiences and perceive their life story in a more cohesive and healed manner​​.

 Reprocessing and Integration

Lifespan Integration therapy employs a methodical process to help individuals reprocess and integrate their past experiences. The process starts with the creation of a timeline that highlights significant events in the client’s life. During therapy, the client visualizes these events as if watching a movie of their life, enabling them to emotionally process each memory. This technique allows for a deep level of emotional healing and helps in restructuring the client’s life narrative into a more coherent and positive framework. The repeated visualization of the timeline facilitates a neural integration of these experiences, aiding in healing without re-living the traumas.

What Conditions does Lifespan Integration Treat?

Lifespan Integration Therapy has many diverse applications of brainspotting based on the latest research.

Trauma and PTSD:

Lifespan Integration is particularly effective for treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It helps individuals process and integrate traumatic memories in a safe and controlled manner. By revisiting traumatic events through guided visualization, clients can reframe and diminish the impact of these memories on their current life, reducing PTSD symptoms.

Anxiety and Depression:

This therapy can be beneficial for those suffering from anxiety and depression. By addressing root causes and unresolved emotions from past experiences, clients can achieve a greater sense of emotional stability. The integration of these past experiences can lead to a reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Addiction and Substance Abuse:

For addiction, Lifespan Integration can address underlying emotional triggers and past traumas that contribute to addictive behaviors. By resolving these deep-seated issues, clients can develop healthier coping mechanisms, reducing their reliance on addictive substances or behaviors.

Performance Enhancement:

In the realm of performance, whether in the workplace, sports, or personal endeavors, Lifespan Integration can help individuals overcome mental blocks and past negative experiences that hinder performance. This can lead to improved focus, confidence, and overall performance.

Relationship Issues:

The therapy is beneficial in addressing relationship issues by helping individuals understand and heal from past relational traumas or patterns. This deeper understanding can lead to healthier relationship dynamics.

Chronic Pain and Medical Issues:

While primarily a psychological therapy, Lifespan Integration can indirectly help individuals dealing with chronic pain by addressing emotional factors that may exacerbate physical pain, such as stress or trauma

Athletic Performance Trauma:

Athletes can use Lifespan Integration to overcome mental and emotional barriers that affect their physical performance. By processing past failures, traumas, or mental blocks, athletes can achieve a more focused and positive mindset, enhancing their athletic performance.

What Does Lifespan Integration Processing Feel Like?


In the Room:

The experience of Lifespan Integration processing can differ for each individual, but generally, it involves accessing the brain’s inherent capacity to heal and integrate past emotional or traumatic experiences. During a Lifespan Integration session, the therapist helps you create a chronological timeline of significant life events, which you then revisit through visualization, almost like watching a movie of your life. This process aims to help you emotionally process and integrate these experiences in a safe and controlled environment.

Most sensations during a Lifespan Integration session are emotional and reflective, as you connect with and reprocess past experiences. The focus is on gently guiding your mind and body through these memories, allowing for healing and integration.

Out of the Room:

Lifespan Integration processing often continues beyond the therapy session. Afterward, you might find yourself processing the material at a deeper level, experiencing ongoing insights, emotional releases, or shifts in your perception, sometimes even days or weeks later. It’s crucial to be aware of these experiences and discuss them in subsequent sessions for better understanding and integration.

As the processing unfolds, you may encounter various emotions, thoughts, and bodily sensations. This could include heightened emotional awareness, new insights, memory recollections related to the targeted issues, and shifts in your perspective on these issues. You might also observe changes in your thoughts or feelings about the issues addressed, as your brain continues to process and integrate the emotional content.

Changes in Somatic Experiences:

Lifespan Integration helps in alleviating physical symptoms associated with emotional stress or trauma. By reprocessing traumatic memories, it can reduce physical manifestations like tension, chronic pain, or somatic disorders. Clients often report a reduction in these physical symptoms as their emotional wounds heal, reflecting the connection between body and mind.

Transformation of Emotional Experiences:

Through the process of revisiting and integrating past experiences, this therapy can transform emotional responses. Clients often find that emotions related to past traumas become less intense and more manageable. This change in emotional experience can lead to an overall improvement in mental health, including reduced anxiety and depression.

Enhanced Sense of Self:

Lifespan Integration promotes a more coherent and integrated sense of self. By linking past experiences to the present, clients develop a stronger sense of identity and self-understanding. This enhanced self-awareness can lead to better self-esteem and more adaptive coping strategies.

Altered Perception of Time:

The therapy also changes one’s perception of time, particularly in how past experiences influence the present. By processing and integrating past events, clients often feel that these events are truly in the past and no longer exert the same influence over their current lives. This can lead to a sense of liberation and the ability to live more fully in the present moment.


What are the Techniques of Lifespan Integration?

Lifespan Integration therapy employs various techniques tailored to the unique needs of clients. Here’s a breakdown of some approaches within Lifespan Integration therapy, analogous to the different types of Brainspotting:

Timeline Lifespan Integration:

Similar to Inside Window Brainspotting, this technique involves creating a chronological timeline of significant life events. Clients revisit these events through visualization, focusing on internal emotional experiences associated with each memory. This method is particularly effective in treating anxiety, depression, and mood-related disorders.

Repetitive Lifespan Integration:

Analogous to Outside Window Brainspotting, this method involves revisiting the same memory or event repeatedly, allowing clients to process and integrate their responses to external stimuli or traumatic experiences. It’s especially beneficial for addressing phobias, PTSD, and other trauma-related issues.

Somatic Lifespan Integration:

Similar to Body Brainspotting, this approach focuses on the physical sensations or tensions in the body related to emotional experiences. By identifying and addressing these somatic experiences, clients can work through emotional distress manifesting as chronic pain or physical trauma.

Resource Lifespan Integration:

Comparable to Resource Brainspotting, this technique involves focusing on positive memories or emotions to foster a sense of safety and resilience. It’s effective in managing anxiety, depression, and mood disorders by building positive emotional resources.

Depth Lifespan Integration:

Parallel to Z-Axis Brainspotting, this approach delves deeper into the emotional and psychological layers, helping clients address issues of dissociation, disorientation, and emotional dysregulation.

Each Lifespan Integration technique offers unique benefits, and therapists may combine different approaches to best meet the specific needs of their clients. The versatility of Lifespan Integration therapy makes it a valuable tool for addressing a wide range of emotional and psychological issues, promoting healing and integration of traumatic experiences. For those dealing with trauma, anxiety, depression, or other emotional challenges, Lifespan Integration therapy can be a potent therapeutic option.

Expansion Lifespan Integration: This method helps clients expand their emotional awareness and capacity to hold different perspectives or emotions related to a specific issue or memory. It involves revisiting various points of their life timeline, allowing a broader exploration and integration of different aspects of their experiences. This can be helpful in promoting emotional regulation and resilience.

Sequential Lifespan Integration: This approach processes memories or traumatic experiences in a sequential manner, akin to viewing scenes of a movie. This sequential revisiting helps integrate associated emotions, sensations, and beliefs, proving effective in reprocessing unresolved experiences.

Somatic Lifespan Integration: This style focuses on identifying and processing physical sensations and impulses in the body, facilitating the release and integration of somatic responses to trauma. It promotes body awareness and the release of tension related to emotional distress.

Visualization Lifespan Integration: This technique utilizes visualization to access and process unresolved trauma. By guiding clients through visualizing different scenes of their life, it helps in accessing deep-seated emotions and memories.

Resource Lifespan Integration: This approach focuses on identifying and reinforcing internal resources and resilience. By revisiting positive memories and emotions, it strengthens internal coping mechanisms and fosters positive emotional growth.

Dream Integration: This style involves exploring and processing emotions and themes from the client’s dreams. It’s an effective way to access unconscious material and work with symbolic imagery for deeper insights.

Tactile Integration: This method involves identifying physical areas of discomfort and using tactile stimulation to explore associated emotional and somatic connections. It’s useful for understanding and processing psychosomatic complaints.

Sensory Lifespan Integration: For individuals who find reconnecting with their body overwhelming, this approach focuses on one safe sense – like touch, smell, or sound – to facilitate processing in a safe manner. It’s especially beneficial for severe trauma cases.

Narrative Lifespan Integration: This method uses storytelling or mythology to help clients engage with unresolved fears. By exploring archetypal stories, clients can confront and work through fears and developmental blocks in a non-threatening way.

How Does Lifespan Integration Use the Whole Brain to Reconsolidate Memory?

Lifespan Integration therapy utilizes the whole brain, incorporating newer theories like memory reconsolidation, to facilitate holistic healing. Here’s how it engages different parts of the brain:

Left Brain:

The left hemisphere of the brain, known for its logical, analytical, and language-processing capabilities, is engaged in Lifespan Integration through the creation of a chronological timeline of significant life events. This process involves organizing memories and experiences in a logical sequence, which helps in structuring the narrative of a person’s life story. This structured approach enables clients to make logical connections between past experiences and current behaviors or feelings.

Right Brain:

The right hemisphere, which is more involved in emotional processing, creativity, and big-picture thinking, is engaged through the visualization aspects of Lifespan Integration. When clients visualize their life events as a movie, they are tapping into their imaginative and emotional processing capabilities. This helps in accessing and reprocessing emotional memories that might be stored in the non-verbal parts of the brain.


The mid-brain, including structures like the amygdala and hippocampus, plays a crucial role in emotional regulation and memory formation. Lifespan Integration stimulates these areas by revisiting emotional memories and traumas. The process helps in altering the emotional impact of these memories, contributing to emotional healing and memory reconsolidation, whereby the emotional charge of a memory is altered when it is recalled and ‘saved’ again.

Frontal Brain:

The frontal lobes, especially the prefrontal cortex, are involved in higher cognitive functions like decision-making, problem-solving, and regulating emotional responses. Lifespan Integration, by integrating past experiences into a coherent narrative, helps in enhancing self-awareness and improving decision-making capabilities. It allows clients to understand their reactions and behaviors in the context of their life experiences, leading to better emotional regulation and more adaptive responses to current life situations.

Through engaging these different parts of the brain, Lifespan Integration not only promotes the healing of mind and body but also fosters a deeper connection with the self, often described as the soul in holistic healing terms. This comprehensive approach addresses the interconnectedness of mental, physical, and emotional health, leading to profound and lasting changes in clients.

What You Need to Know About Lifespan Integration

Lifespan Integration is a therapeutic technique that helps in healing trauma stored within the body and mind by revisiting life experiences. In Lifespan Integration sessions, your therapist guides you through a process of revisiting past memories, often beginning with your earliest recollections and moving through your life’s timeline to the present. This method relies on the innate ability of your mind to heal itself through integrating these memories.

Your experience during Lifespan Integration can be deeply personal and challenging to articulate. Many people experience a profound connection between their emotional states and physical sensations. This process helps in creating a stronger mind-body connection, facilitating a healthier way to recognize, process, and integrate emotional and somatic trauma.


Anxiety & PTSD


Chronic Depression


Men's & Women's Issues


Anger Management


Childhood Trauma


Sexual Trauma


Chronic Pain & Illness




Addiction & Substance Abuse


Discrimination Trauma


Panic Attacks

What is the History of Lifespan Integration Therapy?

Precursurs to Lifespan Integration

Theoretical Underpinnings

Lifespan Integration is grounded in several psychological theories. Primarily, it draws from the principles of attachment theory, highlighting the importance of early childhood experiences and their lasting impact on adult behavior and mental health. LI also incorporates elements of neuroscience, particularly the concepts of neuroplasticity and memory reconsolidation, which suggest that the brain is capable of change and healing throughout life. This is pivotal in LI’s approach to revisiting and integrating past traumas.

Philosophical Foundations

Philosophically, Lifespan Integration leans towards a holistic view of the individual. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in the healing process. This perspective is deeply rooted in the philosophy of integrative psychology, which posits that therapeutic interventions should address the whole person rather than just the symptoms or problematic behaviors.

Integration of Various Modalities

Lifespan Integration is unique in its synthesis of various therapeutic modalities. It incorporates the narrative and timeline techniques from psychodynamic therapy, enabling clients to construct and understand their life story in a therapeutic context. Mindfulness and somatic experiencing are also integral to LI, allowing clients to process emotions and bodily sensations in the present moment, fostering deeper self-awareness and healing. Elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are evident in LI’s approach, helping clients to reframe negative thought patterns and beliefs stemming from past experiences.


Origin of Lifespan Integration

Lifespan Integration was developed by Peggy Pace in the early 2000s. Pace, drawing upon her extensive experience in psychotherapy, created LI as a method to help clients heal from past trauma, integrating various elements of psychological theory and practice. Her approach focused on the belief that trauma and emotional pain are not just stored in the brain, but also in the body, and that healing comes from integrating these experiences.

Early Development and Principles

Initially, Lifespan Integration aimed at addressing the impacts of early childhood trauma. Pace’s method involved guiding clients through a process of revisiting past memories and traumas in a safe, controlled manner. This process was not just about recalling memories but about integrating these memories into the clients’ current sense of self. The therapy used a combination of visualizations, narrative timeline techniques, and the re-experiencing of past emotions to foster healing.

Innovative Techniques

One of the innovative aspects of Lifespan Integration is its use of a timeline of significant life events, allowing clients to sequentially re-experience their past in a way that promotes healing. This timeline approach, combined with visualization techniques, helps to integrate disparate parts of a client’s life story, fostering a more cohesive sense of self.

Expansion and Contemporary Applications

Over the years, Lifespan Integration has grown in popularity and application. Initially focused on trauma, it is now used to treat a variety of issues such as anxiety, depression, attachment disorders, and relationship problems. The therapy’s holistic approach, addressing the mind, body, and emotional aspects of experiences, makes it a comprehensive tool for healing.

Recognition in Research

Lifespan Integration’s history underscores its effectiveness as a therapy that combines understanding of psychological theories with practical, empathetic treatment, offering hope and deep healing to those grappling with various mental health challenges. It has become an integral tool for therapists seeking innovative, holistic approaches to mental health care.

As the therapy has evolved, it has garnered attention and respect within the therapeutic community for its unique approach to healing. The integration of past and present experiences in therapy sessions offers clients a path to resolve deep-seated traumas and emotional issues in a way that traditional talk therapy may not. By focusing on the interconnectedness of emotional, physical, and mental health, Lifespan Integration promotes a comprehensive healing process.

Today, Lifespan Integration is recognized for its transformative power in psychotherapy. Its growth and development continue as it adapts to new scientific discoveries and therapeutic practices, maintaining its place at the forefront of innovative mental health treatment. The ongoing research and application of Lifespan Integration therapy continue to expand its potential, offering new avenues for healing and personal growth for individuals around the world.

Lifespan Integration stands as a testament to the ever-evolving field of psychotherapy, offering a nuanced and profound approach to personal healing and growth. Its history is not just a record of therapeutic development, but a reflection of the growing understanding of the complex nature of human psychology and the innate capacity for healing and transformation.

The Future of Lifespan Integration

Trauma-Informed Care: As the mental health field continues to embrace trauma-informed approaches, Lifespan Integration, with its focus on gently processing and integrating traumatic memories, is well-positioned to become a key component of such care. Its ability to address the physiological, emotional, and cognitive aspects of trauma makes it a comprehensive tool for healing.

Holistic Mental Health Practices

The trend towards holistic mental health care, which considers the whole person — mind, body, and spirit — aligns well with the principles of Lifespan Integration. As more people seek treatments that address all aspects of their being, LI’s integrative approach is likely to gain popularity.

Advancements in Neuroscience

Ongoing research in neuroscience and its applications in psychotherapy could enhance the effectiveness of Lifespan Integration. Understanding how the brain processes and stores traumatic memories can lead to more refined LI techniques, making it even more effective.

Greater Accessibility and Awareness

As awareness of LI grows, more therapists may seek training in this method, increasing its availability to clients worldwide. This growth can lead to Lifespan Integration becoming a more mainstream treatment option for various psychological issues.

Integration with Other Therapies

Lifespan Integration might be increasingly used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities. Its compatibility with different treatment approaches can make it a versatile tool in a therapist’s repertoire.

Personal Growth and Development

Beyond treating trauma and mental health issues, Lifespan Integration could play a role in personal growth and development. Its ability to help individuals integrate their past experiences more coherently could be beneficial in self-improvement and life coaching contexts.

Customized Therapies

As the trend towards personalized medicine grows, therapies like LI that can be tailored to individual histories and needs will become increasingly important. Lifespan Integration’s flexibility and adaptability make it well-suited to this personalized approach.



Lifespan Integration FAQs

Brainspotting Therapy - Image of a Beautiful Blue Bowl with Paisley Style Flowers That Illustrates How Beautiful the Cognitive Plane Can Become via Brainspotting Treatment

How Does Lifespan Integration Work?

Lifespan Integration therapy involves creating a chronological timeline of significant life events and then guiding clients through these events using visualization. This process helps clients to integrate past experiences, reduce the impact of trauma, and improve emotional well-being.

Who invented Lifespan Integration and why?

Lifespan Integration was developed by Peggy Pace in the early 2000s. She created this therapy to help clients heal from past trauma by integrating their life experiences into a coherent narrative, improving their sense of self and emotional health.

What does Lifespan Integration feel like?

Undergoing Lifespan Integration typically feels like a journey through one’s personal history, where visualization and revisiting of past events lead to emotional processing and healing. Clients often experience a sense of relief, increased self-awareness, and emotional release as they integrate their past experiences.

Where Does Brainspotting Fit into Treatment?

Lifespan integration is one of many tools that you will encounter through Taproot Therapy Collective. Our clinicians train in many modalities to make sure all patients have a big bag of tools to choose from.

“Whatever the client was experiencing changed. Images and memories came more quickly. Emotions and body experience went deeper and moved on more rapidly and easily. Clients also got to observe the process while they were in it. The process was fascinating and still is.”

– Dr. David Grand

What Therapies are Similar to Lifespan Integration Therapy?

Lifespan Integration therapy shares similarities with several other therapeutic modalities like Jungian therapy, Brainspotting, Emotional Transformation Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, and EMDR. Here’s a comparison:

Jungian Therapy:

Similar to Jungian therapy, Lifespan Integration acknowledges the importance of integrating past experiences for personal growth and healing. Both approaches value the role of the unconscious mind and aim to bring unresolved issues to consciousness. However, while Jungian therapy focuses more on the symbolic and archetypal aspects of the unconscious, Lifespan Integration primarily uses a timeline of past events for healing.


Lifespan Integration and Brainspotting both emphasize the body’s role in storing and processing emotional experiences. Brainspotting uses specific eye positions to access and process these experiences, while Lifespan Integration uses a visual timeline and imagery. Both approaches aim to release stored emotions and traumas without relying solely on verbal communication.

Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT):

ETT and Lifespan Integration share the belief that emotional healing is integral to overall well-being. Both utilize sensory experiences – ETT with color and light, and Lifespan Integration with visual timelines – to process and transform emotional pain.

Somatic Experiencing:

Similar to Somatic Experiencing, Lifespan Integration recognizes the connection between psychological issues and bodily sensations. Both therapies work towards releasing the physical manifestations of trauma. Lifespan Integration, however, also incorporates a more narrative-based approach with its focus on life timelines.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR):

EMDR and Lifespan Integration share similarities in their approach to processing traumatic memories. Both use a form of bilateral stimulation – EMDR through eye movements and Lifespan Integration through visualizing a timeline of events – to help the brain reprocess and integrate traumatic experiences.

How does Lifespan Integration Stimulate the Subcorticle Brain?

Lifespan Integration therapy stimulates the subcortical brain, which includes areas like the amygdala, hippocampus, and thalamus, involved in emotional processing and memory formation. This stimulation occurs through the process of revisiting and emotionally processing past events in a safe, therapeutic setting. By creating a chronological timeline of significant life events and guiding clients through these events using visualization techniques, Lifespan Integration prompts the subcortical brain to process and integrate emotional memories. This process helps in altering the emotional impact of these memories, contributing to healing and reducing the symptoms of trauma or emotional distress. The repetitive nature of reviewing the timeline can reinforce the integration and healing within these deeper brain regions, facilitating long-term emotional regulation and psychological well-being.


How does Brainspotting Activate the Subcorticle Brain:

Lifespan Integration therapy, like many therapeutic interventions, can have indirect effects on various parts of the brain, including the basal ganglia, which are involved in motor control, emotions, and cognitive functions. The therapy’s focus on emotional processing and integration might indirectly influence the basal ganglia by altering emotional responses and stress levels. Specifically, as Lifespan Integration helps to reduce trauma and anxiety, this could lead to a decrease in stress-related neurotransmitters and hormones, which in turn might positively affect the functioning of the basal ganglia. However, it’s important to note that the direct impact of Lifespan Integration therapy on specific brain structures like the basal ganglia is a complex area and might vary from person to person. More research is needed to fully understand these neurobiological effects.


FAQ about Lifespan Integration

Can Lifespan Integration Be Used on Children?

Absolutely, Lifespan Integration (LI) can be effectively used with children. It is a gentle method that considers a child’s developmental stage, cognitive abilities, and emotional state. LI is beneficial for children who have experienced trauma, anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, and other emotional or psychological challenges. In therapy sessions, child-friendly techniques like play or art therapy may be incorporated to help children articulate their feelings and experiences.

How Does Lifespan Integration Differ from Other Therapies?

Lifespan Integration is distinct in its approach, as it uses a timeline of significant life events to assist individuals in integrating their past experiences. Unlike other modalities, LI emphasizes a narrative and chronological exploration of a person’s life to promote healing. This approach aids in creating a cohesive life story, fostering a stronger sense of self and emotional health, differentiating it from therapies like EMDR, which often focus more on specific traumatic events.

What If Lifespan Integration Doesn’t Seem to Work?

If Lifespan Integration doesn’t seem to be effective, consider discussing your concerns with your therapist. They may adapt their approach or explore other therapeutic options. Engaging in self-care activities and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can support the therapy process. Keep in mind that healing and processing can take time, and it’s important to be patient with your journey. If needed, seeking a second opinion from another mental health professional is also a viable option.

It’s crucial to remember that therapy is a highly individualized process, and what works for one person might not work for another. Working closely with a qualified therapist is key to finding the right approach

List of Notable Lifespan Integration Practitioners

Peggy Pace

Peggy Pace is the founder and developer of Lifespan Integration therapy. As a leading figure in this field, she has significantly contributed to the understanding and application of this therapy for trauma and attachment issues. Pace has authored pivotal literature on Lifespan Integration, including books and articles, educating therapists and clients on the benefits and techniques of this therapeutic approach.

Dr. Alexis Johnson

Dr. Alexis Johnson, a prominent psychologist specializing in attachment and trauma, integrates Lifespan Integration into her practice. She is known for her work in combining Lifespan Integration with other therapeutic methods to enhance healing, particularly in the areas of childhood trauma and relationship issues.

Dr. Susan Pinco

A clinical social worker, Dr. Susan Pinco incorporates Lifespan Integration as a part of her therapeutic repertoire. Her expertise lies in addressing complex trauma, anxiety disorders, and utilizing Lifespan Integration to facilitate deep emotional healing and personal transformation.

Dr. Sarah Conway

As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Sarah Conway has integrated Lifespan Integration into her practice, focusing on treating trauma, anxiety, and attachment disorders. Her approach involves a blend of Lifespan Integration with cognitive and behavioral techniques to support her clients’ healing journey.

Dr. Laura Stone

Dr. Laura Stone, a skilled therapist in Lifespan Integration, specializes in working with individuals suffering from trauma and emotional distress. Her expertise in Lifespan Integration has been instrumental in helping clients process and integrate traumatic experiences for long-term healing.

Dr. Julie Tilsen

Dr. Julie Tilsen’s work with Lifespan Integration stands out in the field of trauma therapy. Her approach, which often integrates Lifespan Integration with narrative therapy techniques, has been beneficial in treating individuals with a history of trauma and emotional challenges.

Dr. Annabel McGoldrick

A therapist renowned for her work in Lifespan Integration, Dr. Annabel McGoldrick has a background in treating trauma, grief, and loss. She has contributed to the development of Lifespan Integration as a therapeutic approach

Is Lifespan Integration Evidence Based?

Research supporting Lifespan Integration (LI) as an evidence-based practice primarily focuses on its efficacy in treating trauma, particularly in children and adults who have experienced various forms of trauma or adverse childhood experiences. A study titled “Lifespan Integration Therapy with Trauma-Exposed Children: a Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Study” conducted by Chris Rensch and others, published in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, explores the effectiveness of LI therapy in children exposed to trauma. This study utilizes the Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design (HSCED) model to evaluate the impact of LI on a 12-year-old participant over nine sessions. The findings indicate significant changes in the client’s condition, attributed substantially to Lifespan Integration therapy​.

List of articles listing Lifespan Integration as an evidence based practice.


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“Your responses to the events of life are more important than the events themselves.”

– Virginia Satir

“People prefer the certainty of misery to the misery of uncertainty.”

– Virginia Satir

“Our biggest problem as human beings is not knowing what we don't know.”

– Virginia Satir