Intuition, Democracy, and the Clash of Values in the Oresteia

Intuition, Democracy, and the Clash of Values in the Oresteia

What Happens in the Oresteia? The Oresteia, a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by Aeschylus in the 5th century BCE, stands as a monumental work in the canon of Western literature. This epic cycle not only recounts the tragic tale of the House of Atreus but also serves as a profound exploration of justice, vengeance, and the evolution of societal values. At its core, the Oresteia grapples with the tension between intuition and reason, old and new, as embodied by the clash between the ancient Erinyes and the...

The Holistic Theology and Alchemy of Arnaldus de Villanova

The Holistic Theology and Alchemy of Arnaldus de Villanova

1. Who was Arnaldus de Villanova? Arnaldus de Villanova (c.1240-1311) was a renowned Catalan physician, theologian, diplomat and alchemist who made significant contributions to the development of medicine and spirituality in medieval Europe. An influential figure in the courts of kings and popes, Arnaldus pioneered a holistic approach to health and healing that synthesized insights from Hippocratic-Galenic medicine, Christian theology, Kabbalah, hermeticism and alchemy. At the heart of his thought was a...

Dissecting the Symbolism in Carl Jung’s Bollingen Stone

Dissecting the Symbolism in Carl Jung’s Bollingen Stone

In the garden of his Bollingen Tower retreat, on the shore of Lake Zurich, stands a peculiar monument - a stone cube, some twenty inches thick, carved on three sides with cryptic inscriptions. This is the Bollingen Stone, erected by Carl Jung in 1950 to commemorate his 75th birthday. Far from a mere ornamental marker, however, the Stone represents a profound expression of Jung's psychological and philosophical worldview. Through its amalgam of symbols, quotations, and structural motifs, it encapsulates the core...

Friedrich August Kekulé and the Role of Intuition in the Discovery of the Benzene Ring

Friedrich August Kekulé and the Role of Intuition in the Discovery of the Benzene Ring

Who was Kekulé? Friedrich August Kekulé (1829-1896) was a German organic chemist who made several groundbreaking discoveries, most famously the cyclic structure of benzene. Kekulé's insight into the benzene ring was a pivotal moment in the history of chemistry that revolutionized the field. Interestingly, Kekulé attributed this discovery to a moment of intuition and visual inspiration that came to him in a dream. Kekulé's Dream and the Benzene Ring Structure The story of Kekulé's benzene ring discovery has become...

An Introduction to Lifespan Integration Therapy

An Introduction to Lifespan Integration Therapy

What is Lifespan Integration Therapy? Lifespan Integration (LI) is a gentle, body-based therapeutic method that aims to heal without re-traumatizing. Developed by Peggy Pace, a clinical psychologist, LI is founded on the understanding that the mind-body system is equipped with a natural ability to heal itself, given the right conditions and support. LI therapy works by helping clients to access and integrate unresolved traumatic memories and experiences that are believed to underlie many mental health issues....

Lifespan Integration Techniques and Protocols

Lifespan Integration Techniques and Protocols

The Basic Lifespan Integration Protocol The Basic Lifespan Integration Protocol is the foundational technique used in LI therapy. It involves guiding the client through their timeline, from birth to the present moment, while applying specific prompts and techniques to facilitate integration and healing. Book with a Lifespan Integration Therapist Here Other Articles on Lifespan Integration Part1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 The basic protocol typically follows these steps: Grounding and resourcing: The therapist guides...

Lifespan Integration for Specific Mental Health Concerns

Lifespan Integration for Specific Mental Health Concerns

Lifespan Integration for Anxiety and Panic Disorders Anxiety and panic disorders are characterized by chronic, debilitating feelings of fear, worry, and unease. These feelings are often rooted in early, unresolved experiences of threat, danger, or vulnerability. Lifespan Integration can be a powerful tool for resolving the underlying traumas and attachment wounds that fuel anxiety and panic. By processing these experiences and linking them to more adaptive, resourced states, LI can help to rewire the neural...

The Science Behind Lifespan Integration: Healing Through Neural Integration

The Science Behind Lifespan Integration: Healing Through Neural Integration

The Role of Neural Networks in Lifespan Integration At the heart of Lifespan Integration therapy is the understanding that the brain is a complex, interconnected network of neural pathways and circuits. These neural networks are formed through our experiences, beginning in utero and continuing throughout our lifespan. When we experience trauma or adverse life events, especially in childhood, it can disrupt the normal integration of these neural networks. Traumatic experiences can become "stuck" or frozen in time,...

Somatic Experiencing: Myths, Misconceptions, and FAQs

Somatic Experiencing: Myths, Misconceptions, and FAQs

Somatic Experiencing and Life Integration Myth: Somatic Experiencing is Just Another Relaxation Technique One common misconception about Somatic Experiencing is that it is simply a relaxation technique, akin to practices like progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery. While SE can indeed promote a sense of relaxation in the body, it is a much more comprehensive approach to trauma healing and nervous system regulation. Unlike purely relaxation-based techniques, SE works directly with the physiological...

The Brain-Body Connection: How Somatic Experiencing Works

The Brain-Body Connection: How Somatic Experiencing Works

The Impact of Trauma on the Brain and Body Trauma can have a profound impact on both the brain and the body. When an individual experiences a traumatic event, the body's natural stress response is activated, releasing a flood of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. This response prepares the body for fight, flight, or freeze, enabling the individual to respond to the perceived threat. However, when the traumatic event is overwhelming or prolonged, the stress response can become dysregulated, leading...