Understanding Somatic Experiencing: A Mind-Body Approach to Healing Trauma

Understanding Somatic Experiencing: A Mind-Body Approach to Healing Trauma

What is Somatic Experiencing? Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Peter Levine to address the effects of trauma. It is based on the understanding that trauma is not just a psychological phenomenon but also has a significant physiological impact on the body. SE focuses on the biological responses to trauma and aims to release traumatic shock, which is stored in the body, leading to the alleviation of trauma symptoms. The approach is grounded in the observation of...

Socrates Influence on Philosophy and Depth Psychology

Socrates Influence on Philosophy and Depth Psychology

Who was Socrates? Socrates, one of the most influential figures in Western philosophy, was born in Athens, Greece, in 470 BCE. He lived during a time of great intellectual and cultural flourishing, known as the Golden Age of Athens. Socrates' life and teachings had a profound impact on the development of Greek philosophy, and his influence can still be felt in the fields of ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics. Socrates' early life is shrouded in mystery, as he did not leave any written works of his own. Most of...

Aristotle’s Divergence from Plato’s Idealism

Aristotle’s Divergence from Plato’s Idealism

Who was Aristotle? The ideas of Plato and Aristotle, two of the most influential philosophers in Western history, have had a profound impact on the development of depth psychology. From Carl Jung to James Hillman, many of the key figures in this field have grappled with the Platonic and Aristotelian legacies, seeking to integrate their insights into a deeper understanding of the human psyche. This essay will explore how the philosophical debates between Plato and Aristotle have shaped the theory and practice of...

Unlocking the Power of Archetypes: Dr. Laurence Hillman on Transforming Leadership and Life

How Can the Archetypes at Work, Work for You? Intro to Dr. Hillman's Work Dr. Laurence Hillman is an archetypal astrologer, coach, and speaker with over 45 years of experience. He is the co-creator of the Archetypes at Work™ model used for leadership development and organizational transformation. Hillman holds a PhD and travels the world teaching and consulting. He is passionate about helping people embrace their full potential by understanding and utilizing the power of archetypes. Hillman is the son of the late...

Ibn ‘Arabi and the Perennial Philosophy: Insights for Depth Psychology

Ibn ‘Arabi and the Perennial Philosophy: Insights for Depth Psychology

1. Who was Ibn 'Arabi? Ibn 'Arabi (1165-1240), the great Andalusian Sufi mystic and philosopher, is widely regarded as one of the most profound and influential figures in Islamic spirituality. Considered by some to be the greatest of all Muslim philosophers, his vast corpus of writings offers an unparalleled exploration of the nature of reality, the human soul, and the path to spiritual realization. At the heart of Ibn 'Arabi's thought is a vision of the unity and interdependence of all existence, a perspective...

Suhrawardi and the Illuminationist Philosophy: Insights for Depth Psychology

Suhrawardi and the Illuminationist Philosophy: Insights for Depth Psychology

Who was Suhrawardi? Shahab al-Din Yahya ibn Habash Suhrawardi (1154-1191), known as Shaikh al-Ishraq or the "Master of Illumination," was a Persian philosopher, mystic, and founder of the illuminationist school of Islamic philosophy. His works, such as Hikmat al-Ishraq (The Philosophy of Illumination) and Hayakil al-Nur (The Temples of Light), offer a unique synthesis of Zoroastrian, Platonic, and Islamic ideas, and present a vision of reality as a hierarchy of lights emanating from the divine source....

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Reconciling Matter and Spirit

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Reconciling Matter and Spirit

Who was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin? Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), the French Jesuit priest, paleontologist, and philosopher, devoted his life to reconciling the realms of matter and spirit, science and religion. His unique vision sought to bridge the apparent chasm between the tangible world of atoms and molecules and the intangible world of consciousness and divinity. Teilhard's thought, as expressed in his seminal work The Heart of Matter, resonates with the ancient wisdom of Gnosticism, which...

Friedrich Hölderlin: This Influence on Jung and Modern Mysticism

Friedrich Hölderlin: This Influence on Jung and Modern Mysticism

Who was Friedrich Hölderlin? The Course of Life (Lebenslauf) You too wanted more, but love Forces all of us under. Pain’s necessary curve Returns us to our beginnings. Whether up or down, in the holiness of night, Speechless nature determines all the days to come; Yet in the labyrinths of death You can find a straight path. I know this—not once, like mortal instructors Did you heavenly, all-knowing gods Have the foresight to lead me Along a level path. Everything’s a test, say the gods. Having found his strength,...

D.T. Suzuki: Zen Scholar and Cultural Ambassador

D.T. Suzuki: Zen Scholar and Cultural Ambassador

Who was D.T. Suzuki Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966), better known as D.T. Suzuki, was a pivotal figure in the introduction of Zen Buddhism to the West. A prolific writer, lecturer, and translator, Suzuki played a key role in shaping the Western understanding of Zen and its influence on Japanese culture. His work bridged Eastern and Western thought, sparking a fascination with Zen that continues to this day. This essay provides an in-depth exploration of Suzuki's life, key ideas, and enduring impact on the...

The Kabbalistic Concept of Ein Sof

The Kabbalistic Concept of Ein Sof

The Depth Psychology o Kabbalistic Concept of Ein Sof What is Kabbalah? Kabbalah is a mystical tradition within Judaism that seeks to understand the nature of divinity, the structure of the universe, and the purpose of human existence. The term "Kabbalah" comes from the Hebrew root "k-b-l," which means "to receive" or "to accept," referring to the reception of divine wisdom and the acceptance of spiritual practices. Kabbalah emerged in 12th century Provence and Spain, drawing on earlier forms of Jewish mysticism...