William James: The Father of American Psychology and His Groundbreaking Contributions

William James: The Father of American Psychology and His Groundbreaking Contributions

Who Was William James? “We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” ― William James William James (1842-1910) is widely regarded as the father of American psychology and one of the most influential thinkers of the 19th and early 20th centuries. His groundbreaking work laid the foundation for the development of psychology as a scientific discipline and introduced concepts that continue to shape our understanding of the human mind and behavior. In this essay, we will explore...

Arthur Schopenhauer: A Philosophical Journey Through Pessimism, Existentialism, and Mysticism

Arthur Schopenhauer: A Philosophical Journey Through Pessimism, Existentialism, and Mysticism

Who was Arthur Schopenhauer Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer, Essays and Aphorisms Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) was a German philosopher known for his pessimistic worldview and influential ideas on the human condition, aesthetics, and ethics. His seminal work, "The World as Will and Representation" (1818), laid the foundation for his philosophical system. Schopenhauer's philosophy is centered on the concept of the "Will," which he saw as the underlying force...

Is the Precuneus the Secret of Human Spirituality

Is the Precuneus the Secret of Human Spirituality

What part of the brain is responsible for religion? “The Self is the ordering and unifying center of the total psyche (conscious and unconscious) just as the ego is the center of the conscious personality. Or, put in other words, the ego is the seat of subjective identity while the Self is the seat of objective identity. The Self is thus the supreme psychic authority and subordinates the ego to it. The Self is most simply described as the inner empirical deity and is identical with the imago Dei.” ― Edward F....

The Trickster Archetype: Mischief, Transformation, and the Instability of Life

The Trickster Archetype: Mischief, Transformation, and the Instability of Life

What is the Trickster Archetype “The trickster likes few things better than tweaking the nose of the doubters. They exist in the liminal space beyond proof, crossing boundaries at a whim, promising hidden knowledge they will never share.” ― Thomm Quackenbush, The Curious Case of the Talking Mongoose The trickster is a universal archetype found in mythologies and stories across the world. From Loki in Norse mythology to Coyote in Native American tales, Anansi in West African folklore, and Hermes in Greek myths,...

Simone Weil: Mysticism, Suffering, and the Search for Meaning

Simone Weil: Mysticism, Suffering, and the Search for Meaning

Who was Simone Weil? Simone Weil, the French philosopher, mystic, and political activist, left an indelible mark on 20th-century thought through her profound and often paradoxical reflections on the human condition. Born in 1909 to a wealthy Jewish family in Paris, Weil was a precocious child who excelled academically and developed a deep concern for social justice at an early age. Despite her privileged background, she chose to live a life of voluntary poverty and solidarity with the oppressed, working in...

Exploring the Relevance of Walter Benjamin’s Ideas for Understanding and Treating Traumatic Experiences

Exploring the Relevance of Walter Benjamin’s Ideas for Understanding and Treating Traumatic Experiences

Who was Walter Benjamin Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) was a highly influential German-Jewish philosopher, cultural critic, and essayist whose groundbreaking ideas left a profound impact on 20th century thought and continue to shape intellectual discourse today. Associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory, Benjamin was a pioneering thinker who explored a wide range of subjects including art, literature, history, politics, and technology. His incisive analyses of modernity, mass culture, and aesthetics...

Theodor W. Adorno: Illuminating Society Through Critical Theory

Theodor W. Adorno: Illuminating Society Through Critical Theory

Who was Theodor Adorno Theodor W. Adorno, a seminal thinker of the Frankfurt School, developed a profound critique of modern society that continues to resonate with those seeking to understand the complexities of the human psyche and the societal forces that shape it. As a philosopher, sociologist, and cultural critic, Adorno's work delved into the intricate relationship between the individual and society, illuminating how the structures and ideologies of modern life can hinder the development of authentic...

What HBO’s Chernobyl Can Teach us About How We Think

What HBO’s Chernobyl Can Teach us About How We Think

Denial and Avoidance as the Root of all Evil In the HBO miniseries "Chernobyl," there is a poignant scene where a character repeatedly asserts that RBMK reactors cannot explode, despite the fact that the reactor has indeed exploded due to a design flaw that the Soviet Union is unwilling to acknowledge. This scene serves as a powerful metaphor for the dangers of denial and the refusal to accept reality, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. The Chernobyl disaster is a harrowing example of how the consequences...

Adam Curtis: One of the most prophetic artists of the decade is not an artist.

Adam Curtis: One of the most prophetic artists of the decade is not an artist.

Who or What is Adam Curtis?   Journalist or Artist? Adam Curtis is a renowned British documentary filmmaker. His films, which often resemble thesis-less art films, delve deep into complex societal, political, and historical issues. Despite the artistic nature of his work, Curtis maintains that he is a journalist, not an artist. Adam Curtis's documentaries are renowned for their distinct style, which creates a mesmerizing and thought-provoking experience for the viewer. His films are characterized by a...

Interview with James Maffie on Aztec, Philosophy, Mythology, Metaphysics

In a recent interview, Dr. James Maffie, author of "Aztec Philosophy," shared his insights into the complex and fascinating world of Aztec metaphysics. Dr. Maffie explained that the Aztec worldview centers around the concept of "teotl," a constant energy in motion that permeates all aspects of the universe. This energy manifests in three primary patterns: "olin" (bouncing, oscillating motion), "malinalli" (spiraling, twisting motion), and "nepantla" (back-and-forth, weaving motion). These patterns are evident in...