The Divided Mind and the Quest for Meaning

The Divided Mind and the Quest for Meaning

The Divided Mind and the Quest for Meaning     >Part 1 <     Part 2       Part 3 Navigating the Complexity of Human Consciousness The Internal Struggle of the Human Psyche In the landscape of human consciousness, a profound and often tumultuous battle rages...
The Mystical Theology and Cosmology of Jakob Boehme: Insights for Jungian Psychology and the Individuation Process

The Mystical Theology and Cosmology of Jakob Boehme: Insights for Jungian Psychology and the Individuation Process

Jakob Boehme’s Mystical Theology and Its Resonance with Jungian Psychology “For according to the outward man, we are in this world, and according to the inward man, we are in the inward world…. Since then we are generated out of both worlds, we speak in...