Friedrich Hölderlin: This Influence on Jung and Modern Mysticism

Friedrich Hölderlin: This Influence on Jung and Modern Mysticism

Who was Friedrich Hölderlin? The Course of Life (Lebenslauf) You too wanted more, but love Forces all of us under. Pain’s necessary curve Returns us to our beginnings. Whether up or down, in the holiness of night, Speechless nature determines all the days to come; Yet...
J.B. Rhine and Eugene Osty: Pioneers of Parapsychology

J.B. Rhine and Eugene Osty: Pioneers of Parapsychology

Who were J.B. Rhine and Eugene Osty? The field of parapsychology, which investigates psychic or psi phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, has long been a subject of fascination and controversy. Two pioneering researchers who made significant...
The Philosophy Behind and Around Carl Jung

The Philosophy Behind and Around Carl Jung

What were Carl Jung’s Major Influences? Carl Jung was profoundly influenced by a wide range of philosophers, thinkers and mystics in developing his groundbreaking theories of analytical psychology. He drew upon ideas from existentialism, phenomenology, German...
The Labyrinth in Jungian Psychology: Traversing the Winding Path of Individuation

The Labyrinth in Jungian Psychology: Traversing the Winding Path of Individuation

What is a Labyrinth? “The labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path.” – Dr. Sandra Wasko-Flood Read This Article as a Pdf: What is a Labyrinth...
Philosophy with Implications for Post-Jungian Thought: Carl Jung’s Relevance and Similarity to Other Thinkers

Philosophy with Implications for Post-Jungian Thought: Carl Jung’s Relevance and Similarity to Other Thinkers

What Philosophers, Mystics and Anthropologists are Similar to Carl Jung? Read More on Jung here: Carl Jung’s Major Influences Jungian Analysis Archetypes Jung’s Method Jungian Thought There is an overview of Carl Jung’s life and work here as well as a list...
Ernst Cassirer: Philosopher of Symbolic Forms and Cultural Theory

Ernst Cassirer: Philosopher of Symbolic Forms and Cultural Theory

Who was Ernst Cassirer? Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945) was a German-Jewish philosopher who made significant contributions to the fields of epistemology, philosophy of science, intellectual history, and cultural theory. His work on symbolic forms and his neo-Kantian...