What is the Difference in QEEG Brain Mapping, Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TCMS), Neurofeedback (MCNF), Neurostimulation, and Biofeedback?

What is the Difference in QEEG Brain Mapping, Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TCMS), Neurofeedback (MCNF), Neurostimulation, and Biofeedback?

What is the difference between Types of Neuromodulation? All the new neuromodulation modalities can be confusing to tell apart. How are they all different, what is their history, and how can they help you. Did you enjoy this article? Checkout the podcast here:...
The Body Keeps the Score 2? ; The Path Forward for Trauma Treatment

The Body Keeps the Score 2? ; The Path Forward for Trauma Treatment

What if Bessel van der Kolk wrote a sequel to his influential book on trauma today? Did you enjoy this article? Checkout the podcast here: https://gettherapybirmingham.podbean.com/ e If anyone is familiar with the book The Body Keeps the Score, by world renowned...
New Podcast Episode: Brainspotting Changed my Life

New Podcast Episode: Brainspotting Changed my Life

  Yellow garden spiders have a fat yellow abdomen slicked with yellow and black stripes. They weave a tiny white squiggle in the center of their webs. I stare at the faintly milky zig zag as it sways when wind moves the web and stirs the iris sepals it hangs...
Free Group Therapy Shadow Work Exercise

Free Group Therapy Shadow Work Exercise

    If you liked this read the articles on other Jungian topics: Jungian Innovators James Hillman  – Erich Neumann – David Tacey – Robert Moore – Marie-Louise von Franz – Jolande Jacobi – Anthony Stevens – Thomas...