by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Apr 4, 2022 | Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health
Freud very nearly did not become a psychiatrist. He originally researched as a neurologist before moving into other disciplines. Freud’s journals document a tremendous amount of study in varied topics he saw as likely breakthroughs to bring him renown. Much of his...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Feb 6, 2022 | Neuroscience and the Brain, Self Help and Personal Development, Trauma Treatment in Alabama, Trauma, Depth Psychology, and Social Work
Yellow garden spiders have a fat yellow abdomen slicked with yellow and black stripes. They weave a tiny white squiggle in the center of their webs. I stare at the faintly milky zig zag as it sways when wind moves the web and stirs the iris sepals it hangs between in...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Feb 3, 2022 | Jungian Concepts, Mystics, Gurus, and Spiritual Philosophers, Psychology of Design and Architecture, Self Help and Personal Development
Leon Krier, Carl Jung, and the Architecture of the Archetype “Truth of feature is related to truth of being” – Frank Lloyd Wright How does the space make you feel? What does the building in the dream look like? During dream work and active imagining,...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Mar 4, 2021 | History of Psychotherapy, Jungian Concepts, Mystics, Gurus, and Spiritual Philosophers, Self Help and Personal Development
What happened to the forgotten model of psychotherapy? Abstract and Main Ideas: 1. Transactional Analysis, developed by Eric Berne, gained rapid popularity in the 1960s but declined quickly thereafter. 2. TA was influenced by game theory and reflected the zeitgeist of...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Nov 16, 2020 | Alternative Medicine and Holistic Health
The Challenges of Working with Children Early in my career, I aspired to be a therapist who could help anyone, regardless of their age or circumstances. However, as I gained more experience, I began to recognize my own strengths and limitations. A turning point came...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Oct 19, 2020 | Resources and Recommendations, Resources for Therapists and Private Practice
Embracing Vulnerability for a Healthier Society Our culture often falls short in preparing us for vulnerability. We frequently use technology to create an illusion of perfection, convincing ourselves and others that our lives are flawless and will remain so. This...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Oct 12, 2020 | Jungian Concepts, Mystics, Gurus, and Spiritual Philosophers, Self Help and Personal Development
“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Sep 30, 2020 | Depth Psychology Approaches and Techniques, Dreams and the Unconcious
The Magician is intuition, education, and reflexes. In myth and legend the Magician appears in stories not to be the hero, but to aid the hero on their quest. In these stories the Magician can also take the form of a witch, enchanter, or shaman. The Magician is the...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Aug 6, 2020 | Parts Based Therapy
Why do the best performing employees think they underperform and the worst performing employees think they over perform? This is a phenomenon industrial organizational psychologists will often point out when they consult your organization, but why does it occur? The...