Our blog is designed as a resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the human psyche and its expression through culture, therapy, and history. Below, you'll find an overview of the diverse topics we cover and an invitation to explore the categories that resonate most with your interests. Jungian Innovators Dive into the foundational ideas of depth psychology with articles that celebrate the works of Jungian visionaries such as Carl Jung, James Hillman, Marie-Louise von Franz, and more. These...
Metamodernism: Exploring Multiple Perspectives and Conceptualizations
What is Metamodernism? The concept of metamodernism has emerged as a paradigm to describe the cultural, philosophical, and therapeutic landscape after postmodernism. While there is no single agreed-upon definition, metamodernism broadly refers to a structure of feeling and mode of discourse that oscillates between aspects of modernism and postmodernism. It seeks to reincorporate depth, affect, spirituality, and grand narratives after the deconstructions of the postmodern, while retaining postmodernism's insights...
Micronutrition for Mental Health: Treating ASD, ADHD, AUDHD and more!
Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) Vitamin A, particularly in its beta-carotene form, plays a crucial role in brain development and function. This powerful antioxidant helps protect brain cells from oxidative stress, which has been linked to various mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and neurodegenerative diseases. Beta-carotene is a provitamin A carotenoid that the body converts into retinol, the active form of vitamin A. It is abundant in orange and green vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots,...
Free Dictionaries of Greek, Egyptian, Norse and Prehistoric Mythologies
The Jungian Approach to Mythology Mythological Dictionaries for Depth Psychology Explore our comprehensive dictionaries of mythological systems through the lens of depth psychology: Greek Mythology The humanized gods with complex personalities and conflicts; emphasis on fate vs. free will. Read Online Download PDF Egyptian Mythology Cyclical view of existence; complex afterlife journey; integration of opposing forces. Read Online Download PDF Norse Mythology Stark worldview with emphasis on courage despite fate;...
How Did Jung and Freud’s Parents Effect Their Psychology
Is Religious Cosmology Just the Unlived Life of the Parent? A commonly quoted fact about astronomy is that the Universe is “expanding”, but that’s not really true. Our universe is nothing more than a giant ball of rules that we can measure. Rules like time, temperature, and distance. We say that the Universe is “expanding” because the amount of space we can measure inside it is increasing. We have no way of knowing what is outside of this ball of rules. It is doubtful that measurements like time and temperature...
Is The Pineal Gland an Evoloutionary Basis for Archetypes
Neuroevolutionary Basis of Archetypes: An Exploration of the Parietal Eye and Pineal System The quest to understand the enigmatic nature of the human psyche has long been a central preoccupation of both Western psychology and Eastern spiritual traditions. In the early 20th century, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung proposed that beneath the veneer of our individual minds, there lay a deeper stratum of consciousness he termed the "collective unconscious." This hidden realm, Jung argued, was populated by...
What Does Mysticsim have to do with Therapy?
The Mystical Depths of the Psyche: Exploring the Intersection of Mysticism, Psychology, and Psychotherapy Throughout history, humans have sought to understand the depths of their own minds and souls through various mystical and spiritual traditions. In recent times, the fields of psychology and psychotherapy have also delved into the inner workings of the psyche, often drawing upon mystical concepts. This essay explores the fascinating intersection of mysticism, psychology, and psychotherapy, examining how these...
A Short Introduction to Jungian Psychology
Quick Introduction to Jungian Psychology Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded the school of analytical psychology in the early 20th century. While Jung began his career as a close associate of Sigmund Freud, he eventually broke away to develop his own theories and approach, which came to be known as Jungian psychology. At the heart of Jungian thought is the idea that the human psyche is a self-regulating system that strives for wholeness and balance. Jung saw the psyche as composed of...
Schizophrenia, Trauma, and the Double Bind: Bridging Neurobiology, Depth Psychology, and the Spectrum of Psychosis
Understanding Trauma Through Schizophrenia and Schizophrenia Through Trauma The relationship between schizophrenia and trauma has long been a subject of fascination and debate in the fields of psychiatry and psychology. While early theories often focused on developmental and psychodynamic factors, recent research has shed new light on the neurological and genetic underpinnings of the disorder. However, this does not mean that environmental factors, such as trauma, have been ruled out as contributing to the onset...
Illuminating the Mind: Lessons Psychology Can Learn from Anthropology and Philosophy
Why Does Psychology Ignore Philosophy and Anthropology? Time moves in one direction, memory in another.<br> We are that strange species that constructs artifacts intended to counter the natural flow of forgetting. - William Gibson, "Dead Man Sings" Psychology, as the scientific study of the mind and behavior, has made tremendous strides in understanding the human experience. However, two other disciplines - anthropology and philosophy - offer profound insights that can enrich and expand psychological...
Grief, Acceptance, Getting Over It:
Moving On from Trauma When Perpetrators Can't Understand "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Jesus as he was being crucified, encapsulates a profound truth about the nature of harm and healing. Very often, those who hurt us most deeply are acting out of their own unresolved wounds, defenses, and blindspots. They literally don't understand the impact of their behavior, because they lack the self-awareness, empathy, or emotional capacity to truly take in the devastation they've caused. This is a...