by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Apr 15, 2024 | Anthropology and Evo Psych, Comparative Religion
What did Prehistoric Religion Look Like: Main Ideas and Key Points: The Venus of Willendorf, a Paleolithic figurine, suggests the existence of prehistoric “Venus cults” that venerated female deities associated with fertility and the earth. Prehistoric...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Apr 14, 2024 | Anthropology and Evo Psych, Comparative Religion, Jungian Concepts, Symbolism and Meaning
“My point, once again, is not that those ancient people told literal stories and we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally.” ― John Dominic Crossan, Who Is Jesus?...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Apr 8, 2024 | Jungian Concepts, Phenomenology and Existential Psychology, Trauma, Depth Psychology, and Social Work
part 1:…nd-screenwriting/ part 2:…d-fiction-part-2/ part 3:…onality-theories/ Read More on Jung here: Carl...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Apr 6, 2024 | Depth Psychology Approaches and Techniques, Mystics, Gurus, and Spiritual Philosophers, Phenomenology and Existential Psychology
Mircea Eliade’s Insights into the Sacred “A religious symbol conveys its message even if it is no longer consciously understood in every part. For a symbol speaks to the whole human being and not only to the intelligence.” ― Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Apr 5, 2024 | Anthropology and Evo Psych, Depth Psychology Approaches and Techniques
What part of the brain is responsible for religion? “The Self is the ordering and unifying center of the total psyche (conscious and unconscious) just as the ego is the center of the conscious personality. Or, put in other words, the ego is the seat of subjective...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Mar 25, 2024 | Interviews and Case Studies, Psychology of Design and Architecture
In a recent interview, Dr. James Maffie, author of “Aztec Philosophy,” shared his insights into the complex and fascinating world of Aztec metaphysics. Dr. Maffie explained that the Aztec worldview centers around the concept of “teotl,” a...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Jan 28, 2024 | Jungian Concepts
Roberto Assagioli and His Pioneering Role in the Evolution of Psychotherapy Roberto Assagioli’s contributions to psychology through his development of Psychosynthesis have had a lasting impact on the field, particularly in the realms of humanistic and...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Dec 28, 2023 | Historical Events
“The Chrysanthemum and the Sword” by Ruth Benedict, a landmark in cultural psychology, provides deep insights into the dynamics of guilt and shame within different cultures. Commissioned covertly as an exercise in weaponized anthropology by the OSS, now...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Jul 21, 2023 | Anthropology and Evo Psych, Comparative Religion
Sacred and the Profane: A Pioneering Study of Religion “The Sacred in the Profane” is a significant early work in the academic study of religion. Unlike approaching religion as an unquestionable truth about the universe, the book delves into its...