by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Aug 12, 2024 | Resources and Recommendations
How to Overcome Compassion Fatigue Compassion fatigue and secondary trauma can have a profound impact on the well-being and effectiveness of healthcare professionals. When healthcare workers are emotionally depleted and struggling with the weight of their experiences,...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Aug 9, 2024 | Resources and Recommendations
Memes for Therapy? In the digital age, memes have become an integral part of online communication, serving as a shorthand for expressing ideas, emotions, and cultural trends. From silly cat pictures to political satire, memes have evolved into a complex and...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Jul 21, 2024 | Mystics, Gurus, and Spiritual Philosophers, Phenomenology and Existential Psychology, Psychology of Design and Architecture, Trauma Treatment in Alabama, Trauma, Depth Psychology, and Social Work
Who was Maurice Merleau-Ponty? Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) was a French philosopher and phenomenologist who made significant contributions to the fields of phenomenology, existentialism, and the philosophy of perception. His work bridged the gap between...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Jun 16, 2024 | Mystics, Gurus, and Spiritual Philosophers, Phenomenology and Existential Psychology, Trauma Treatment in Alabama, Trauma, Depth Psychology, and Social Work
Key Points: Psychotherapy is facing an identity and purpose crisis in the era of market-driven healthcare, as depth, nuance, and the therapeutic relationship are being displaced by cost containment, standardization, and mass-reproducibility. This crisis stems from a...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Sep 19, 2023 | Classical Mythology, Mystics, Gurus, and Spiritual Philosophers, Psychology of Design and Architecture, Symbolism and Meaning, Trauma Treatment in Alabama, Trauma, Depth Psychology, and Social Work
Unlocking the Mysteries of Aztec Philosophy When Hernán Cortés and his expedition arrived in the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlán, in 1519, they were initially received with curiosity and even reverence by the Aztec emperor, Montezuma II.The Aztecs, interpreting the...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Aug 17, 2023 | Neuroscience and the Brain
I pride myself on, not only having been trained in all of the models of therapy I practice, but also in having been in them as a patient. When I got my comparative religion degree we often talked about the “ah” one experiences while studying how a...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Jun 28, 2023 | Interviews and Case Studies, Trauma Treatment in Alabama, Trauma, Depth Psychology, and Social Work
Interview with Winston Schepps 🌟📚 Meet Win Scheppes: A Lifelong Friend, Mentor, and Dedicated Social Worker in Birmingham Alabama at 86! 🤝💼 Discover the inspiring story of Win Scheppes, a remarkable social worker who continues to make a difference in...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | May 11, 2023 | Neuroscience and the Brain
What is Somatic and Experiential Therapy? Experiential therapy modalities, such as Internal Family Systems (IFS), Lifespan Integration (LI), Hakomi, AEDP, Psychodrama, and Gestalt therapy, are often considered “non-manualizable” approaches to therapy. This...
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Apr 19, 2023 | Neuroscience and the Brain, Trauma Treatment in Alabama, Trauma, Depth Psychology, and Social Work
We are excited to announce we will be offering qEEG Brain Mapping and Neurostimulation with Peak Neuroccience! You can register for a special rate on the first 10 sessions if get on the waitlist before they open. You can read more about brain mapping and q-EEG below....
by Joel Blackstock LICSW-S MSW PIP | Dec 17, 2022 | Trauma Treatment in Alabama, Trauma, Depth Psychology, and Social Work
Who was the female psychoanalyst and what do her theories say about trauma and personality? Did you enjoy this article? Checkout the podcast here: Karen Horney was a German psychoanalyst. Her career came into prominence in the...