Graham Harvey’s Relevance to Modern Depth Psychology 

Graham Harvey’s Relevance to Modern Depth Psychology 

Who is Dr. Graham Harvey? Breaking from Early Theorists British scholar Graham Harvey, a prominent voice in religious studies since the 1990s, has played a key role in updating the anthropology of religion for the 21st century. His work breaks from the mold of early luminaries like E.B. Tylor, James Frazer, and Mircea Eliade, who tended to view indigenous and pagan religions through a lens of "primitive" superstition and irrationality. Tylor and Frazer, writing in the late 19th century, largely saw animistic and...

James George Frazer: Pioneering Insights into Myth, Religion, and the Psyche

James George Frazer: Pioneering Insights into Myth, Religion, and the Psyche

Who was James George Frazer? James George Frazer (1854-1941) was a groundbreaking Scottish anthropologist, folklorist, and classical scholar whose work laid the foundations for modern anthropology, psychology, and comparative religious studies. Best known for his monumental study of myth and religion, The Golden Bough, Frazer pioneered the comparative method in anthropology, seeking to unveil universal patterns and evolutionary sequences in human beliefs and practices across cultures. His ideas not only shaped...

Collective Trauma, Ritual, and Animism: Integrating the Preconscious Mind

Collective Trauma, Ritual, and Animism: Integrating the Preconscious Mind

What is the Psychology of Ritual and Animism? Ritual and animism are distinct but related concepts that offer insights into the workings of the emotional and preconscious mind. While they are often associated with religious or spiritual practices, they can also be understood as psychological processes that serve important functions in human development and well-being (Edinger, 1972; Neumann, 1955). Animism can be defined as the attribution of consciousness, soul, or spirit to objects, plants, animals, and natural...

Synthesizing Post-Freudian and Post-Jungian Perspectives on Trauma and the Psyche

Synthesizing Post-Freudian and Post-Jungian Perspectives on Trauma and the Psyche

How do Jungians and Freudians Conceptualize Trauama Differently? The understanding of trauma and its impact on the human psyche has been a central concern for depth psychology since its inception. However, the two pioneering schools of thought in this field, Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis and Carl Jung's analytical psychology, developed divergent frameworks for conceptualizing the nature and impact of traumatic experiences. Freud's model of the psyche emphasized the central role of instinctual drives,...

Frequently Asked Questions About Brainspotting Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions About Brainspotting Therapy

F.A.Q. about Brainspotting What is Brainspotting? Brainspotting is an innovative psychotherapy approach that uses specific eye positions to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain (Grand, 2013). It was developed by Dr. David Grand in 2003 as an offshoot of EMDR therapy. How does Brainspotting work? Brainspotting works by using focused eye positions to access survival-based subcortical parts of the brain like the amygdala that are often inaccessible through talk therapy alone (Grand, 2013). The...

SEO for Therapists: How Therapists Can Rank Better on Google

SEO for Therapists: How Therapists Can Rank Better on Google

 How to Optimize Your Therapy Website for Google As a therapist in private practice, attracting new clients is essential for growing your business. With more and more people searching for mental health services online, having a strong digital presence is crucial. However, simply having a website isn't enough. To get in front of potential clients, you need to optimize your site for search engines like Google. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in. SEO is the process of improving your website's...

Neurological Basis of Intuition, Attachment, and Trauma

Neurological Basis of Intuition, Attachment, and Trauma

Reckoning with the Spiritual and Mystical in Neurology The Polyvagal Theory and Attachment Stephen Porges' Polyvagal Theory has revolutionized our understanding of the autonomic nervous system's role in regulating emotional states and social engagement (Porges, 2011). According to this theory, the autonomic nervous system plays a crucial role in shaping our emotional experiences and attachment styles. In secure attachment, where caregivers are attuned and responsive, the ventral vagal complex promotes feelings of...

Unraveling the Enigma of Trauma and the Supernatural: Alex Monk’s Groundbreaking Work in Psychotherapy

Unraveling the Enigma of Trauma and the Supernatural: Alex Monk’s Groundbreaking Work in Psychotherapy

A Pioneering Exploration of the Psyche's Hidden Realms In an enthralling podcast episode, psychotherapist and author Alex Monk takes listeners on a captivating journey through the uncharted territories of the human psyche. Drawing upon his trailblazing book "Trauma and the Supernatural in Psychotherapy," Monk introduces a revolutionary framework for understanding the intricate entanglement of relational trauma, unconscious phantasies, and supernatural experiences. His work invites clinicians to venture beyond the...

The “Lost World” of Miyazaki’s Masterpiece

The “Lost World” of Miyazaki’s Masterpiece

*This review contains spoilers for the film The Boy and the Heron What is The Boy and the Heron trying to tell us? To escape from this depressing situation, they often find themselves wishing they could live in a world of their own - a world they can say is truly theirs, a world unknown even to their parents. To young people, anime is something they incorporate into this private world. I often refer to this feeling as one yearning for a lost world. It's a sense that although you may currently be living in a world...

The Jungian Anima and Animus: How They Show Up in Relationships

The Jungian Anima and Animus: How They Show Up in Relationships

How does the anima and animus show up in relationships? The concept of the anima and animus is one of the most enduring and influential ideas to emerge from the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. In this post, we'll take a deep dive into the anima/animus theory, exploring its origins, evolution, and practical applications in intimate relationships and family systems. We'll see how Jung's original formulation of the anima/animus was expanded upon by his proteges and successors, and consider criticisms and...