Glossary of Blog Articles

by | Jan 8, 2025 | 0 comments

Our blog is designed as a resource for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the human psyche and its expression through culture, therapy, and history. Below, you’ll find an overview of the diverse topics we cover and an invitation to explore the categories that resonate most with your interests.

Jungian Innovators

Dive into the foundational ideas of depth psychology with articles that celebrate the works of Jungian visionaries such as Carl Jung, James Hillman, Marie-Louise von Franz, and more. These writings explore how their ideas shape modern therapy and personal growth.

Carl Jung

James Hillman 

Erich Neumann

Henry Corbin

David Tacey

Robert Moore

Sidra and Hal Stone

John Beebe

Marie-Louise von Franz

Jolande Jacobi

Anthony Stevens 

Thomas Moore

Sonu Shamdasani

Arnold Mindell

James Hollis

Sabina Spielrein

Edward Edinger

Jungian Topics

Unpack timeless themes such as the Shadow, archetypes, and dreams, alongside their applications in creativity, screenwriting, and spirituality. Learn about the psychological dimensions of rituals, the symbolism in Carl Jung’s life, and methods for shadow work.

What is Emotion

How Psychotherapy Lost Its Way

Ritual and Animism 

Tensions in Modern Therapy

Jung and the New Age

Science and Mysticism

Therapy, Mysticism and Spirituality?

The Left and Right Hand Path in Myth

The Shadow

The Golden Shadow

The Symbolism of the Bollingen Stone

What Can the Origins of Religion Teach us about Psychology

The Major Influences on Carl Jung

Animals in Dreams

The Unconscious as a Game

How to Understand Carl Jung
How to Use Jungian Psychology for Screenwriting and Writing Fiction

The Psychology of Color

The Symbolism of Color in Dreams

How the Shadow Shows up in Dreams

How to read The Red Book 

The Dreamtime

Using Jung to Combat Addiction

Healing the Modern Soul

Jungian Exercises from Greek Myth

Jungian Shadow Work Meditation

The Shadow in Relationships

Free Shadow Work Group Exercise

Post Post-Moderninsm and Post Secular Sacred

Mysticism and Epilepsy

The Origins and History of Consciousness


Jung’s Empirical Phenomenological Method

The Future of Jungian Thought

Jungian Analysis

Subcortical Brain


The Hero’s Journey

Stages of Grief as Deflection

Jungian Analysts

Explore the contributions of influential Jungian analysts like Marion Woodman, Robert A. Johnson, and Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Discover their groundbreaking approaches to therapy and the inner journey.

Thomas Moore

June Singer

Jean Shinoda Bolen

Robert A Johnson

Emma Jung

Robert Bly

Murray Stein

Barbara Hannah 

John Ryan Haule

Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Gerhard Adler

Nathan Schwartz-Salant

Joseph Henderson

Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig

Ginette Paris

Michael Fordham

Esther Harding

Marion Woodman

Steven T Richards

J.B. Rhine and Eugene Osty

Psychology of Mythology 

Journey into the rich tapestry of world mythology, from Norse and Greek myths to indigenous traditions. Learn how myths provide therapeutic insights and bridge the gap between psychology and the collective unconscious.

Literalism in Mythology 

How to Apply Myth to Therapy

Norse Mythology 

Egyptian Mythology

Greek Mythology 

Hindu Mythology 


Pantheons in Therapy

Bio of Joseph Campbell

Ritual in Therapy

Indigenous Thought and Existentialism

Anthropological Perspectives on Trauma

Metamodernism and Post Secularism

Examine the emerging philosophies and cultural movements shaping the future of therapy and meaning-making in an increasingly complex world.

Navigating the Future of Meta Modern Therapy

Theodore Porter

Seth Abramson

Timotheus Vermeulen 

Fredric Jameson

Gianni Vattimo

Christopher Partridge

John Caputo 

Jürgen Habermas

Wilfred Bion 

Why Parents Treat Children Differently 

Influential Psychologists

Gain insights into the work of major figures like Alfred Adler, Sigmund Freud, Viktor Frankl, and Carl Rogers, whose theories continue to influence the field of psychotherapy.

Feuds Between Schools of Therapy

Alfred Adler

Viktor Frankl

Irvin Yalom

Sigmund Freud

Ernest Becker

Fritz Perls 

Ronald Fairbain

Virginia Satir

Harry Stack Sullivan

JL Moreno 

Otto Kernberg

John Bowlby

Albert Ellis

Erik Erikson

Heinz Kohut

Carl Rogers

Alfred Adler

Wilhelm Reich 

Eugen Bleuer

Herbert Silberer

Otto Rank

Pierre Janet

Milton Erickson

Anna Freud

Gordon Alport

Mary Ainsworth

Harry Harlow

John Watson

Stanley Milgram

Donald Winnicott

Lev Semyonovich

B.F. Skinner

Ivan Pavlov

Kurt Lewin

Jean Piaget

Elisabeth Kubler Ross

Erik Erickson

Abraham Maslow

Theodore Millon

Margaret Mahler

Melanie Klein

Karen Horney

D.W. Winnicott


Explore the profound ideas of thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger, and Hannah Arendt, connecting their work to psychology, culture, and existential themes.

Anticipating the Meta Modern

Meta Modern as Oral Culture

Martin Heidegger

Jean Paul Sartre

Peter Sloterdijik

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Gaston Bachelard

Jean Gebser

Gilbert Durand

Friedrich Schelling

Friedrich Nietzsche

Immanuel Kant

Freidrich Hegel 

Ernst Cassirer

Hans-Georg Gadamer

Walter Benjamin

William James

Hannah Arendt


Paul Riccouer


Alan Watts




Theodor Adorno

Gilbert Simondon

Arthur Schopenhauer

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Henri Bergson

Saul Kripke

Michel Foucault

Wolfgang von Goethe

Edmund Husserl

Soren Kierkegaard


Delve into articles exploring the intersection of anthropology, neuroscience, and the therapeutic process, with topics ranging from neolithic architecture to the triune brain.

Neolithic Architecture

Victor Turner

Louise Barett

Allan Shore

Michael Meade

Lionel Corbett

Anthony Stevens

David Abram 

Edward O Wilson

Eliade Mircea 

David Abram

Jacob Burckhardt

Heinrich Zimmer

Arnold van Gennep

Friedrich Creuzer

Theodore Flournoy

Divided Mind

Antonio Damasio

Paul Maclean – Triune Brain 

Neuroscience of Justice

Psychotherapy of Anthropology

Mystics and Gurus 

Discover the works of mystics and spiritual thinkers such as Rumi, Teresa of Ávila, and Meister Eckhart. Reflect on their wisdom for personal transformation and spiritual growth.

What is Gnosticism?

Robert Grossette

Meister Eckhart


Teresa of Avila

Kabbalah and Ein Sof

St. John of the Cross

Simone Weil 


D.T. Suzuki

Lao Tzu




Plato on Atlantis

Jan van Ruusbroec

Johannes Tauler 

Angelus Silesius

Martin Buber

Hermes Trismegistus

Jakob Boehme

Emanuel Swedenborg

John Scottus Eriugena


Nicolas Cusas

Amalric of Bena 

Gerhard Dorn



Hilma Auf Klint

Roberto Asaglioli

Helena Blavatsky


Discover the works of mystics and spiritual thinkers such as Rumi, Teresa of Ávila, and Meister Eckhart. Reflect on their wisdom for personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Stanislav Grof

Rudolph Steiner

Richard Tarnas 

Ken Wilbur

Types of Therapy

Learn about innovative therapeutic approaches like Jungian therapy, EMDR, somatic experiencing, and mindfulness, alongside critical perspectives on evidence-based practices.

Lifespan Integration

QEEG Brain Mapping

Jungian Therapy 

Parts Based Therapy



Color and Implicit Memory


Somatic Experiencing

Meditation and Mindfulness


Somatic Trauma Mapping



Personality Psychology


Freudian Death Drive

Evidence Based Practice

The Evidence-Based Practice section of the Taproot Therapy Collective blog critically examines the challenges and limitations of the evidence-based approach within psychotherapy and healthcare. While evidence-based practices aim to provide scientifically validated treatments, our articles explore how corporate influences, broken incentives, and reductionist methodologies often compromise their effectiveness.

Lessons from the STAR*D Scandal 

The Corporatization of Healthcare

Incentives in Evidence Based Practice 

The Illusion of Progress

Psychotherapy is Indivisible form Philosophy and Anthropology

The Broken Incentives in Research and Clinical Practice

Healing The Modern Soul Series Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 

Part 4 

Healing the Modern Soul Appendix

The Failure of Evidence Based Practice

Influences on Jung

The Influences on Jung section of the Taproot Therapy Collective blog explores the profound thinkers, mystics, and traditions that shaped Carl Jung’s revolutionary contributions to psychology. Jung’s work was not created in a vacuum but was deeply inspired by philosophy, mythology, spirituality, and science, weaving together a tapestry of ideas that continue to resonate today.

Who Influenced Carl Jung?

Martin Heidegger

Jean Paul Sartre

Peter Sloterdijik

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Gaston Bachelard

Jean Gebser

Gilbert Durand

Friedrich Schelling

Friedrich Nietzsche

Immanuel Kant

Freidrich Hegel

Ernst Cassirer

Hans-Georg Gadamer Plato 


Gilbert Simondon

Arthur Schopenhauer

Henri Bergson

Wolfgang von Goethe

Martin Buber

Hermes Trismegistus

Jakob Boehme

Emanuel Swedenborg

John Scottus Eriugena


Nicolas Cusas

Amalric of Bena 

Gerhard Dorn



What is Gnosticism?

Robert Grossette

Meister Eckhart

Teresa of Avila

St. John of the Cross


Ibn’ Arabi

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

Greek Myths and Literature 

The Greek Myth and Literature section of the Taproot Therapy Collective blog dives into the timeless stories and archetypes of Greek mythology and classical literature, exploring their profound psychological, cultural, and therapeutic significance. These myths and works of literature are not only historical artifacts but also living symbols that continue to resonate deeply with the human psyche.

Archetypes of The Odyssey

The Oresteia

The Ajax

The Women of Trachis

The Elektra

The Philocetes

The Persians

The Medea

The Hippolytus

The Bacchae

Iphigenia in Aulis

Iphigenia in Tauris



Oedipus Rex

Oedipus at Colonus


Seven Against Thebes

The  Suppliants

Prometheus Bound


Greek Tragedies Influence on Jung

The Psychology of the Peloponesian War

Artists and Designers

The Artists and Designers section of the Taproot Therapy Collective blog explores the psychological and cultural dimensions of art, design, and architecture. This category examines how creative expression reflects and shapes the human psyche, as well as the symbolic and emotional impact of artistic movements and iconic creators.

Hans Wegner

Arne Jacobsen

Friedrich Holderlin

The Psychology of Architecture

Frank Lloyd Wright

The Eames

Leon Krier

Andres Duany

Alvar Aalto

Mies van der Rohe


The Psychology of The Sopranos

The Psychology of Film & Aspect Ratio


Rainer Maria Rilke


The Psychology of Architecture

Frank Lloyd Wright

The Eames

Leon Krier

Andres Duany

Colonial Architecture

Greek Revivial

Gothic Revival

Romantic Architecture

Eclectic Victorian

The Psychology of Architecture

Arts and Crafts Movement

Beaux Arts

City Beautiful

Art Deco

Neo Modernism


New Materialism

Post Digital

Biophillic Design

Reuse in Architecture

Adaptive Architecture

Algorithmic Design

New Urbanism

Post Modern Classicism 

The Corporate Post Modern Office

Oil Crisis Architecture

Post Modern Classicism 

Cults and Conspiracy Theories

Sullivanian Institute

Satanic Panic Conspiracy


Branch Davidians

The Solar Temple 

Aum Shinrikyo

Sullivanian Institute

Explore all the Archetypes

The 12 Archetypes

The Sage

The Innocent

The Creator

The Explorer

The Rebel

The Wizard 

The Hero

The Lover

The Jester

The Everyman

The Caregiver

The Ruler

Animal Archetypes

John B Calhoun and Universe 25

Digital, Media, and Cultural Theorists and Philosophers 

Bernays and The Psychology of Advertising

Albert Camus

The Situationalists

Guy Debord

Vilem Flusser

Jean Baudrillard

Erich Fromm

Lev Manovich

Marshal McLuhan

Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver

Marcel Mauss

The Left and Right Hand Path in Cultural Psychology

Donna Haraway

Neil Postman

Friedrich Kittler

Universe 25 Experiment


Helena Blavatsky

Hilma Auf Klint

Rudolph Steiner

Metamodernism and Post Secularism

Navigating the Future of Meta Modern Therapy

Seth Abramson

Timotheus Vermeulen 

Fredric Jameson

Gianni Vattimo

Christopher Partridge

John Caputo 

Jürgen Habermas

Wilfred Bion 


Intuition or Magic? The Brainstem-Intuition Connection

Intuition or Magic? The Brainstem-Intuition Connection

 Unlocking the Power of Unconscious Processing and Pattern Recognition in the Context of Trauma What does the Subcorticle Brain Have to do with Intuition? The brainstem, often overshadowed by the more prominent prefrontal cortex, plays a crucial role in rapid,...

The Trial of Carl Jung: Assessing a Legacy

The Trial of Carl Jung: Assessing a Legacy

  Was Carl Jung a Pseudoscientist? "The world today hangs by a thin thread, and that thread is the psyche of man." - C.G. Jung This trial will be an effort in intellectual history and retrospective assessment, not a literal legal proceeding. But it will draw on...


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